Use cases

How you can benefit from real-time supplychain intelligence

Risk Assessment

  • Build risk profiles of routes and locations using data from your shipments collected in real-time.
  • Use data to avoid ports or trade lanes with frequent delays or high crime incidence levels in favor of faster flowing and less riskier options.
  • Know where your cargo runs in to difficulty and adjust transports accordingly.

Inventory management

  • Significantly reduce working capital across the organization
  • Know where your inventory is, whether it is in good condition and on time, and if it has encountered unexpected delays.
  • React, restock, redistribute resources in real-time.

Process improvements

  • Adjust routes, dispatch times, and production plans based on real-time information and adjust transports accordingly
  • Provide information to customers, suppliers, and other actors in the supply chain
  • Trigger automated mitigation actions based on real-time information on cargo status

Quality Management

  • Lean more about cargo conditions in real-time
  • Direct quality inspections even in JIT production on critical shipments to identify problems before assembly
  • Armed with knowledge, be able to react in real time should temperature or humidity cause spoilage or damage.

ESG Compliance

  • Comply with transparency requirements (e.g., Germany Supply Chain Act, UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 und der California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2010, CBP’s view on forced labor)
  • Document true environmental footprint of monitored shipments

Supplier management

  • Validate information provided by suppliers with data directly from the shipment itself.
  • Use information for supplier qualification and negotiation
  • Include automated transactions into supply contract (penalties for unsecured storage) in case monitoring data proves event

Transfer of ownership

  • Authenticate and automate transactions, documenting the individual, time and location of container access
  • Providing proof of change of risk ownership events.
  • Automate payment or release of escrow deposits, or trigger blockchain transactions.


  • Assess risk and assign responsibilities in case of events
  • Trigger and validate insurance claims based on immediate knowledge if a shipment has exceeded temperature, humidity or shock thresholds that would cause damage, spoilage.